Is there any way to reliably parse email messages?
What I’m talking about is constructing a tree from an email message. Usually when you get an email and reply back and forth then you end up with something that looks something like this: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. On 01/01/1970, […]
Google Wave Notifications in your iPhone
I have some news about the Notifiy robot ([email protected]). It can now send notifications to your iPhone when a wave is updated. The application will be available at the App Store very soon.
Google Wave Email Notifications
I just created a google wave robot that sends email notifications when a wave is updated. To try it out just add: [email protected] to the wave and that’s it. It’s currently in a beta stage so there are no guarantees. Visit the project home page at: