MS Office 2007 on Ubuntu 9.10 using wine

For those of you that *REALLY* need MS Office and Open Office is not enough, then install wine just run this two commands on a terminal:

sh winetricks msxml3 dotnet20 gdiplus riched20 riched30\
              vcrun2005sp1 allfonts  wsh56js

And then install using your installation CD.

UPDATE: If you are using a non-english locale the second command has to be:

LANG="en_US.UTF-8" sh winetricks msxml3 dotnet20 gdiplus riched20\
              riched30 vcrun2005sp1 allfonts  wsh56js

UPDATE 2: For Ubuntu 10.10 try just this:

winetricks msxml3

Aftwerwards add an override for riched20 and usp10 to “Native then Builtin” using winecfg.

One Response

  1. Oscar Izurieta
    Oscar Izurieta April 11, 2010 at 6:51 pm |

    jajajajaja con esto es mas facil loco, que cague como nos partimos la cabeza en la mañana para instalarle jajajaja….

    cuidate cesarin ya nos hemos de ver man

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